Back-to-basics tip: I Tumblr 4 U

Emails, university announcements, tweets, website posts, alerts, texts… It seems like these days everyone has different preferred vehicles of communication and  – guess what – it’s kinda what we hoped for a decade ago and, by my estimation, only going to get worse/better.

Faculty, staff, students, community, Trustees all want to know what is going on in technology. They don’t want novels about projects or photos of wires, they want concise updates on projects, initiatives and innovation. My mind always travels back to the old monthly newsletter, but what a logistical nightmare and overall time hog. I bring you…

Tumblr! Thank you to Fairfield University’s pretty amazing social media employee as she introduced me to a peppy, cheap ($9 for a style I liked) solution to replace the clunky ol’ newsletter of 1990. All online and as long as I keep each month to six or so brief ‘soundbytes’, it will appear above the fold and…done.

Be gentle as this was our introductory month. I see format updates and more ‘pizazz’ in the future but for now it is already an ideal vehicle for communicating exactly what is up in ITS. I do recommend.

Have fun!

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